A Wedding in a Week by Con Riley PDF Download

Summary of “A Wedding in a Week” by Con Riley, A Heartwarming Tale of Love and Serendipity


“A Wedding in a Week” by Con Riley is a captivating novel that takes readers on a heartwarming journey of love, fate, and second chances. Set against the backdrop of a week-long whirlwind romance leading up to a wedding, this delightful book explores the depths of human emotions and the transformative power of unexpected encounters.

Plot Summary:

The story revolves around two main characters, Alex and Sam, who find themselves drawn together by an unforeseen twist of fate. Alex is a successful, career-driven woman who seems to have it all together, while Sam is a charming and artistic soul with a heart full of unfulfilled dreams. Their paths cross when Sam’s sister, Jess, is about to get married, and they’re tasked with organizing a last-minute wedding in just one week.

As Alex and Sam dive headfirst into the wedding preparations, they discover an undeniable spark between them. Despite their initial reservations and different backgrounds, they soon realize that they share a profound connection that goes beyond mere coincidence. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of wedding planning while also navigating their feelings for each other.

Themes Explored:

Serendipitous Encounters: “A Wedding in a Week” explores the concept of serendipity and how chance encounters can shape our lives in profound ways. Alex and Sam’s meeting during the wedding planning process leads them down an unexpected path of love and self-discovery.

Second Chances: Both Alex and Sam have faced setbacks and disappointments in their lives. The novel beautifully illustrates how the wedding preparations provide them with an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance at happiness.

A Wedding in a Week by Con Riley

Love and Vulnerability: As their feelings for each other deepen, both Alex and Sam must confront their fears and insecurities, learning to be vulnerable and open to love once again.

Family and Relationships: The book explores the dynamics of family relationships and the importance of support and understanding from loved ones.

Writing Style:

Con Riley’s writing style is immersive, with vivid descriptions that transport readers into the heart of the story. The author expertly crafts realistic and relatable characters, making it easy for readers to invest emotionally in their journey. The dialogue is engaging and heartfelt, adding depth to the characters’ personalities and relationships.

Emotional Impact:

“A Wedding in a Week” is an emotional rollercoaster that will make readers laugh, cry, and feel a profound sense of hope. It deftly captures the complexities of human emotions and the joy of unexpected love. As the story unfolds, readers will find themselves rooting for Alex and Sam, hoping that they find the courage to embrace the happiness they deserve.


“A Wedding in a Week” by Con Riley is a beautifully written and heartwarming novel that explores the power of serendipity and the transformative nature of love. With its well-crafted characters and engaging plot, the book is a celebration of second chances and the joy of finding love in unexpected places. This charming tale reminds us that sometimes, the most extraordinary things can happen in the most ordinary moments, and that love has a way of working its magic when we least expect it. Whether you’re a fan of romance or simply enjoy stories that tug at the heartstrings, “A Wedding in a Week” is a must-read that will leave you with a warm and hopeful feeling long after you’ve turned the last page.

Details about A Wedding in a Week by Con Riley 

  • Novel Title: A Wedding in a Week
  • Author: Con Riley
  • English language
  • Pdf format
  • Size: 1MB
  • Price: Free
  • Pages: 100+
  • Genre: LGBTQ+ Romance

Popular Categories: Dark Fantasy Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Contemporary Romance Fiction, Horror, Thriller

Downloading Process of A Wedding in a Week by Con Riley 

Clicking the button below will start the download process of A Wedding in a Week by Con Riley . This book is available in PDF format with one click and unlimited download. Read this beautiful novel and don’t forget to share your thoughts about this book in the comment section. You may also like The Hollywood Jinx by Sariah Wilson PDF Download




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