And Then You by Briar Prescott PDF Download

Summary of And Then You by Briar Prescott PDF Download


Steph and Sky were two inseparable siblings, their lives intertwined like the roots of ancient trees. They were born into a world of salt and sea, their childhood a symphony of laughter echoing across sun-drenched beaches and the rhythmic lull of waves crashing against craggy shores. Their home, a weathered cottage nestled amidst the dunes, was their sanctuary, a place where they were free to roam like untamed spirits, their hearts beating in perfect unison with the pulse of the ocean.

As the last days of summer dwindled, casting long shadows of change across their tranquil world, a shadow of impending doom fell upon their hearts. Their parents, their anchors in a world of constant flux, announced their decision to relocate to the bustling city of Washington, D.C., a place as foreign and intimidating as a distant star.

Story Plot:

Steph, with her fiery spirit and unwavering loyalty, was the embodiment of the ocean’s untamed energy. Her laughter, like the crash of waves against the shore, was a force of nature, her spirit as vast and boundless as the sea itself. Sky, on the other hand, possessed the quiet strength of the deep waters, his calm demeanor and unwavering support a soothing balm to Steph’s tempestuous soul. Together, they were an unstoppable force, their bond as deep and enduring as the ocean tides.

On the eve of their departure, Steph and Sky sought solace in their beloved boat, Sun of a Beach. The gentle sway of the vessel beneath their bodies provided a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of their emotions. As they gazed at the darkening horizon, the sun’s fiery remnants painting the sky in hues of crimson and gold, Steph turned to Sky, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

“How can we leave this place, Sky?” she whispered, her voice laced with a mixture of sadness and disbelief. “This is our home, the only one we’ve ever known.”

And Then You by Briar Prescott

Sky, his heart heavy with empathy, draped a comforting hoodie over her shoulders, his silence a testament to the depth of their shared understanding. They were bound by an invisible thread, their souls entwined like the roots of the ancient trees that dotted their coastal haven.

As darkness descended, enveloping the world in its comforting embrace, Steph and Sky found themselves clinging to the memories that clung to the very fabric of their being. They remembered the countless hours spent exploring the hidden coves, the thrill of casting their lines into the depths of the ocean, and the joy of sharing laughter and dreams under the starlit sky.

With heavy hearts, they bid farewell to their beloved home, the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull of Sun of a Beach a bittersweet lullaby. As they stepped onto the sand, their gaze lingered on the boat, a symbol of their cherished past and a beacon of hope for the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Steph and Sky knew that their lives would never be the same again. The familiar rhythms of their coastal existence would be replaced by the cacophony of city life, the salty air of the ocean replaced by the clamor of urban streets. Yet, despite the changes that lay ahead, their bond, forged amidst the salty breeze and sun-kissed shores, would endure.


They were Steph and Sky, two halves of a whole, ready to face the unknown together, their hearts anchored to the memory of their beloved coastal haven, a place where their spirits had soared and their friendship had blossomed, a place that would forever hold a special place in their hearts.

Details about 

  • Novel Title: And Then You
  • Author: Briar Prescott
  • English language
  • Pdf format
  • Size: 1MB
  • Price: Free
  • Pages: 100+
  • Genre: Bisexual Romance

Popular Categories: Dark Fantasy Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Contemporary Romance Fiction, Horror, Thriller

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